Vegetable Day in Japan

Sweet Corn from Tokyo Akiruno summer fresh local vegetable Akigawa Farmers Center shopping spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama とうもろこし 東京都あきる野産 夏野菜 新鮮 地場産 秋川ファーマーズセンター 買い物 スポット 多摩観光振興会
Sweet Corn from Tokyo Akiruno とうもろこし 東京都あきる野産
Eggplant from Tokyo Tachikawa summer fresh local vegetable Minore Tachikawa farmers center shopping spot TAMA Toursim Promotion - Visit Tama  茄子 夏野菜 東京都立川産 夏野菜 新鮮 地場産 みのーれ立川 ファーマーズセンター 買い物 スポット 多摩観光振興会
Eggplant from Tokyo Tachikawa 茄子 東京都立川産


Are you enjoying Japanese food with local fresh vegetables as well as meats or fishes ?

The 31st August is called as Vegitable Day in Japan. 
"Vegetable" in Japanese is "Yasai" , and 
8 = "ya"
31 = "sai"
are pronounced in Japanese so it's named Vegetable day on the 31st August.

You can try to eat not only summer vegetables such as corn, eggplant, tomato, etc, but also other seasonal vegetables with four seasons in Japan and certainly you would find fresh local vegetables in Tama area (Western Tokyo) as well !
