Shinsengumi Samurai group festival Tokyo Hino

One of the biggest festivals in Tokyo Hino city and you would be able to feel the old time during samurai period in Edo Tokugawa shogunate !

The samurai parade will be held on the 8th 2016 and let's try to find your favorite samurai !

Reach agreement on "Comfort Women" South Korea, Japan

Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul South Korea famous tourist spot old royal palace 경복궁 景福宮 韓国 ソウル 有名観光スポット 
Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul South Korea 경복궁 景福宮 韓国 ソウル


On the 28th 2015, Japan and South Korea have reached an agreement about "comfort women", one of the problems since 70 years after the end of World War II.


"Comfort women in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia "


This is the historical great agreement and we wish the advanced and peaceful relationship between two countries and also the stability of East Asia area for more development and more visitors to East Asia from around the world in terms of tourism industry.



Old Kamakura Road Tokyo Kokubunji

Old Kamakura Road Tokyo Kokubunji historical walking tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 伝鎌倉街道 東京都国分寺市 歴史 散策 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Old Kamakura Road Tokyo Kokubunji 伝鎌倉街道 東京都国分寺市

The Old Kamakura Road is reserved near Nishi-Kokubunji station of JR Chuo & Musashino line in Tokyo Kokubunji city.

This road was built during Kamakura Era period (around 1185-1333) as one of the main roads connecting with Kamakura, the old capital.

There is the historical place of Musashi-Kokubunji Temple near this point, so it would be a nice walking area to discover the old Japanese history.


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Remember Tanashi city Nishitokyo

Signboard of " No Littering ! " with the name of both Tanashi & Nishitokyo city historical interesting spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama ゴミ捨て禁止の看板 東京都 田無市&西東京市 歴史 面白スポット 多摩観光振興会
Signboard of " No Littering ! " with the name of both Tanashi & Nishitokyo city ゴミ捨て禁止の看板 東京都 田無市&西東京市

The current Nishitokyo city is established as new city at Tokyo in 2001 with the merge of Tanashi city & Hoya city.

Tanashi city was established in 1967 and the city had been named for 34 years.

Now, you would still be able to discover the items with name of " Tanashi city " at the area of ex-Tanashi city at Nishitokyo city and these items are very rare, strange, and interesting in terms of city history in Tokyo.

If you walk around this area, let's discover these items !






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Turn point 50km Walking Race Tokyo Olympic 1964

Stone monument of the turn point 50Km Walking Race Tokyo Olympic 1964 Tokyo Fuchu historical walking tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 東京オリンピック 50キロ競歩 折り返し地点 東京都府中市 1964年 五輪 歴史 散策 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Stone monument of the turn point 50Km Walking Race Tokyo Olympic 1964 Tokyo Fuchu 東京オリンピック 50キロ競歩 折り返し地点 東京都府中市


This is the memorial stone monument of turnning point of 50km Walking Race in Tokyo Olympic games 1964.

It's located along Koshukaido Road near  Fuchu station of Keio line.

If you are interested in truck race as sports, it would be a nice place to visit.






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Oyama Road Tokyo Machida

Stone signpost of Oyama Road Tokyo Machida historical tourist walking spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 大山道の道標 東京都町田市 歴史 散策 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Stone signpost of Oyama Road Tokyo Machida 大山道の道標 東京都町田市

Oyama Roads are ex-main roads between various places of Kanto region and Oyama mountain in Kanagawa prefecture to visit Oyama Shrine during Edo era period.

You can find one of Oyama Roads in Tokyo Machida city and it's a nice place for walking around.




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Hino-shuku ex-accommodation

Entrance of Hino-shuku ex accommodation in Edo period Tokyo HIno walking Koshukaido Road historical tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 日野宿本陣入口 東京都日野市 散策 甲州街道 歴史 観光スポット 多摩間観光振興会
Entrance of Hino-shuku ex-accommodation in Edo period Tokyo Hino 日野宿本陣入口 東京都日野市


Hino-shuku was an official accommodation at Koshukaido Road for the use of lords and their officers in Edo period.  

You can visit this kind of ex-accommodation in Hino city only in Tokyo and you would be able to discover the history there.

Located near Hino station of JR Chuo line, 40 min from Shinjuku station.






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Musashino no mori Park in Mitaka Chofu Fuchu Tokyo

Musashino no mori Park Tokyo Mitaka Chofu Fuchu walking picnic historical tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 都立武蔵野の森公園 東京都三鷹市 調布市 府中市
Musashino no mori Park Tokyo Mitaka Chofu Fuchu 都立武蔵野の森公園 東京都三鷹市 調布市 府中市


Musashino no mori Park is located near Chofu Airport in Tokyo Mitaka, Chofu, and Fuchu. 

It's a large park with historical spot of Ohsawa aircraft concrete hangers and a nice spot for picnic with aircraft from the Chofu airport.





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Dragon water faucet Tokyo Hino

Dragon faucet at Yasaka Shrine Tokyo Hino historical walking tourist powerspot TAMA Toursim Promotion - Visit Tama 八坂神社のお清め水場 東京都日野市 新撰組 歴史 散策 観光 パワースポット 多摩観光振興会
Dragon faucet at Yasaka Shrine Tokyo Hino 八坂神社のお清め水場 東京都日野市


Here is an another Dragon spot in Tokyo ! It's located at Yasaka Shrine near Hino station of JR Chuo line.

There is a water faucet of dragon shape and you would be able to get a kind of powers from this water ! (just wash your hands) 






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Cross River point Tokyo Tachikawa

Cross River point of Zambori river and Tamagawasjosui aqueduct Tokyo Tachikawa waterway walking tourist spot TAMA Toursim Promotion - Visit Tama 残堀川と玉川上水の立体交差地点 東京都立川市 散策 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Cross River point of Zambori river and Tamagawasjosui aqueduct Tokyo Tachikawa 残堀川と玉川上水の立体交差地点 東京都立川市
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Dragon water faucet Tokyo Komae

Dragon water faucet at Senryuji Temple Tokyo Komae walking historical power tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama  泉龍寺 お清め水場 東京都狛江市 散策 パワースポット 歴史 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Dragon water faucet at Senryuji Temple Tokyo Komae  泉龍寺 お清め水場 東京都狛江市


If you miss the Dragon Route in Japan, you would have a chance to see the dragon in Tokyo.

At Senryuji Temple Tokyo Komae, there is a water faucet of dragon shape and you would be able to get a kind of powers from this water ! (just to wash your hands)

It takes around 20 minuts from Shinjuku station to Komae station by Odakyu line.





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The Day to Commemorate the War Dead and Pray for the Peace in Japan

Wish a peaceful world from Statue at Shiofune Kannon Temple Tokyo Ome azalea tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 世界平和を祈って 塩船観音寺 観音像 東京都青梅市 つつじ 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Wish a peaceful world from Statue at Shiofune Kannon Temple Tokyo Ome 世界平和を祈って 塩船観音寺 観音像 東京都青梅市


Today, the 15th August is the Day to Commemorate the War Dead and Pray for Peace in Japan.

Also it's called as the Day to commemorating the end of the Second World War.

Wish a peace and your happiest life around the world after 70 years since 1945 !  

Link to the statement translated in English by Prime Minister Abe on the 14the August 2015.




National Protected Zelkova Tree-lined Street Tokyo Fuchu

Zelkova tree-lined street Tokyo Fuchu Okunitama shrine row of trees japan national protected tree nature walking sightseeing historical tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama けやき並木通り 東京都府中市 国指定天然記念物 大国魂神社欅並木 散策 歴史 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Zelkova tree-lined street Tokyo Fuchu けやき並木通り 東京都府中市
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Nakazato Mt. Fuji Tokyo Kiyose

View from the Top of Nakazato Mt. Fuji Tokyo Kiyose walking historical tourist spot TAMA Toursim Promotion - Visit Tama 中里富士山 頂上からの眺め 東京都清瀬市 散策 歴史 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
View from the Top of Nakazato Mt. Fuji Tokyo Kiyose 中里富士山 頂上からの眺め 東京都清瀬市
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Golden water well and Rokujizo Guardian deity of children Tokyo Koganei

Golden water well and Rokujizo guardian deity of children Tokyo Koganei historical walking tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 黄金の水と六地蔵 東京都小金井市 歴史 散策 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Golden water well and Rokujizo guardian deity of children Tokyo Koganei 黄金の水と六地蔵 東京都小金井市
Koganei city is located in the middle Tokyo prefecture. "Koganei" means Golden Well as there are a lot of water springs and natural groundwater around this area. 
Rokujizo guardian deity of children was built in 1707 for the safe of local people and the stability of this area.
Koganei city built the well in the same place with Rokujizo statue for the activation of local city's brand in 2006 and it's one of the tourist attractions now.
You would be able to try to drink this golden water and let's visit and try it!


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Wartime Aircraft Concrete Hangars "Ohsawa 1" Tokyo Mitaka

Wartime Aircraft Concrete Hangars " Ohsawa 1 " Tokyo Mitaka historic tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 掩体壕 大沢1号 東京都三鷹市 歴史 観光 スポット 多摩観光振興会
Wartime Aircraft Concrete Hangars " Ohsawa 1 " Tokyo Mitaka 掩体壕 大沢1号 東京都三鷹市 
Wartime Aircraft Concrete Hangars *Ohsawa 1* is located at Musashino no mori park in Mitaka city Tokyo.
This was built to defend the aircraft at Chofu airport against US army bombing during the second world war and there are 4 hangars as historical monument in Mitaka and Fuchu city.
Please respect and wish a peaceful world !
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Tamagawa Brothers Tokyo Hamura

Statue of Tamagawa Brothers (older right younger left) Tokyo Hamura Tamagawajosui aqueduct canal river waterway historical sightseeing tourist spot 玉川兄弟銅像 (右側兄 左側弟) 東京都羽村市 玉川上水 歴史 観光 スポット 多摩観光振興会
Statue of Tamagawa Brothers (older right younger left) Tokyo Hamura 玉川兄弟銅像 (右側兄 左側弟) 東京都羽村市

Tamagawa brothers are the persons in charge of Tamagawajosui aqueduct construction.

The construction was started in 1653 Edo era period and finished in 1654 between Hamura and Toranomon, around Edo castle in Tokyo.

To respect their effort for Tamagawajosui, the statue was built in 1958 which is located at Hamura Syusuiseki of starting point of Tamagawajosui. You would be able to find the local historical spot here.





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Old Shimoda Family House in Tokyo Hamura city

Panorama view of Old Shimoda Family House and Red Lane Tokyo Hamura historic tourist spot 旧下田家住宅 赤門 国指定重要有形民俗文化財 東京都羽村市 羽村市郷土博物館 歴史 観光 スポット
Panorama view of Old Shimoda Family House and Red Lane Tokyo Hamura 旧下田家住宅と赤門
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Hinodesanso Villa 

Entrance of Hinodesanso Villa Tokyo Hinode historical tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 日の出山荘入口 東京都日の出町 歴史 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Entrance of Hinodesanso Villa Tokyo Hinode 日の出山荘入口 東京都日の出町

Do you know this hidden villa in Tokyo Hinode town ?
Hinodesanso villa is an old retreat villa of ex-prime minister Nakasone and he contributed this villa to Hinode town as memorial tourist place. US-Japan summit meeting was held here and you would be able to feel the history of that period with the nature forest even in Tokyo.

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Old Hitachi aircraft Tachikawa factory electrical substation in Higashiyamato city Tokyo 

Old Hitachi aircraft Tachikawa factory electrical substation in Higashiyamato city Tokyo historical tourist spot TAMA Tourism Promotion - Visit Tama 旧日立飛行機㈱立川工場変電所跡 正面からの画像 戦災建築物 東大和市文化財 都立東大和南公園 東京都東大和市 歴史 観光スポット 多摩観光振興会
Old Hitachi aircraft Tachikawa factory electrical substation in Higashiyamato city Tokyo 旧日立飛行機㈱立川工場変電所跡

Operated as substation from 1938 till 1993 and it is kept and managed as historical war-damaged building by Higashiyamato city now. Wish a peace around the world !
Located at Higashiyamato-Minami Park near Tamagawajosui station in Higashiyamato city Tokyo.


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